It’s back to school time…. Yes, already! Did your summer fly by way too fast? Are you feeling a mix of emotions as you head back to your classroom this fall? We’re here to tell you – that’s okay! It’s perfectly normal to be a little bit excited, and a lot a bit dreading the return to work after an extended break.

We’ve all been told countless times that we have to care for our own mental health to best support the children in our care. And hopefully, over the summer you’ve had the opportunity to do just that. But as you head back to classrooms this fall, it’s not quite as easy to support your own mental health. It will take intention and planning.

So if you’re not quite ready to return, that’s okay. Here are five ways to help prepare for the work ahead – and maybe even gain a little motivation – as you set your alarm again and get ready for another school year.

1. Find your joy.

Let’s be honest for a minute. Not every moment of every day is full of joy. This is true in the real world, and it’s especially true in the classroom. You know you’re going to have times that push you to the brink of tears, or moments that are frustrating or downright challenging. But mixed in with the moments are true opportunities for joy. Sometimes joy comes in big moments, like when your students do something adorable or a lesson goes better than expected. And sometimes those moments of joy are tiny, so small you might not even notice them if you don’t stop to pay attention. So this school year, make yourself a joy-seeker, and look for those moments of joy whenever you can find them. You might even keep a list or snap a photo that reminds you of the moment for support next time joy is a little harder to find.

2. Start a gratitude list or journal.

Start by writing one or two things you’re grateful for each day. On those especially tough mornings, challenge yourself to add more things. You may be thinking, “Who has time for another thing?” But noting gratitude pays off! New research shows that giving thanks helps people sleep better, lower stress and improve relationships. Just what we need to begin every school year on the right foot!

3. Update your workspace or desk area in your classroom.

Has it been awhile since you updated your workspace? Add in new photos of loved ones or special memories. Bring in a plant (living or artificial – whatever you can manage). Move your workspace to a new spot (look for a well-lit area). Grab new pens or paper supplies. Update your classroom wishlist.

4. Proactively create your self care plan.

Self-care doesn’t have to be grand or expensive. It can be tuning in to your spiritual, emotional or psychological needs. Print this self-care wheel as a guide. Make a simple self-care plan that you can stick with, such as one item off the wheel or ten minutes of walking/exercise each day. Then plan for when you’ll accomplish this and put it into your schedule.

5. Speak up.

Your views and needs are incredibly important in the school workplace. If there are opportunities for you to share feedback or expertise – do so! When we share, we feel more a part of the school culture and have a better sense of belonging.

As you head into this year, remember to have grace with yourself and others. Search for joy, practice gratitude, and take care of yourself.



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