Our brain uses sensory input all day long to experience the environment around us. This sensory processing mostly happens subconsciously, meaning we don’t often stop to think about our senses. When we are mindful of our senses, intentionally focusing on how we are sensing the world around us, we can improve our mood, enhance concentration and experience gratitude.
When we practice being mindful of our senses in nature, we add even more benefits, creating a true mental health booster!
We casually engage with nature every day. For instance, we might see that spring has arrived because the sun is out. When we mindfully engage with nature, we might notice a nice spring day by the cool breeze in the air, the smell of fresh flowers, the bright sunlight on our faces, the soft grass under our feet, and the sound of the birds chirping. Isn’t that a much more enjoyable way to notice the beauty of the world around us?
How to Make an Outdoor Senses Journal
Grab any journal or notebook and create five sections. Label each section with one of five senses: sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. As you notice something interesting outdoors, write about it or draw a picture in the appropriate section. You can put one item in more than one section, for example, you might notice a flower. You can document the way it looks, how it smells, and the feeling of it in three different sections.
Get creative! Feel free to decorate the journal with photos or attach found treasures such as a leaf or flower petal.
Try using the outdoor senses journal for a week and notice all the new joys and delights you’ve discovered in nature.
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