With the celebrations over, gifts unwrapped and decorations tucked away, our brains aren’t getting as many little dopamine hits as they did during the holiday season. This decrease in dopamine can cause us to feel blah. The good news is that we can combat these winter blues. Let's look at five ways to give your brain a mood boost this winter!
Get Moving
Getting your body moving by walking, doing yoga or dancing in your living room will release endorphins – a feel-good hormone that improves mood.
Look Ahead
Look at the year ahead. Do you have any trips planned or small goals you want to accomplish? Looking forward will help keep your brain from longing to return to the holidays.
Connect with Others
Reach out to friends and family. A heartfelt conversation or a fun outing can do wonders for your mood.
Revisit a Hobby
Dive into something you love, whether it’s reading, painting, cooking, or making music. Engaging in activities you enjoy can reduce stress and boost creativity.
Enjoy Nature
Chances to get outside can be limited during the winter months but try to take any opportunity to get outside, get some fresh air and look at the world around you.
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