Election Mental Health Strategy: Pay Attention to What You Can and Cannot Control

During election season, it’s easy to feel out of control. After all, much of what happens on the national stage is beyond any one person’s ability to manage. When faced with uncertainty, many people begin to feel anxiety, stress and other heightened emotions. And when this happens, we may feel ever more out of control, leading to a vicious cycle.

How do we break free of this damaging loop? By focusing on what we can and cannot control.

Make a list of everything you’re mentally juggling this election season. What is within your control? What is not? It might look something like this:

What I Cannot Control:

  • What politicians say or do
  • Who wins the election
  • Who my family/neighbors/community members vote for
  • How others will talk about the election

What I Can Control:

  • The amount of time I spend thinking/talking/reading about the election
  • The number and type of conversations I will engage in related to the election
  • Who I will vote for
  • How I will respond to others

Once you’ve made your list, you can focus on areas within your control. This can help alleviate the sense of hopelessness and lead to stronger mental health to sustain you through this season.


Election 2024: A Guide to Managing Your Mental Health this Election Season

In this guide, you’ll find strategies to support your mental health leading up to the election, on election day, and in the hours and days following.

Click here to be notified when the guide is launched!

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