We’re all familiar with the concept of “office hours”, meaning times that one is scheduled to be in his/her office and available for drop-in visits.

Office hours can go virtual! Even in classrooms as young as elementary school, teachers can create virtual office hours and allow students to drop in. Look into options using the technology available to you, and consider creating a schedule for office hours and sharing it with students and their families in advance.

You may something like, “I will be scheduling office hours at the following times: (schedule). During these times, I’ll be online and students are welcome to pop in and chat. Students may want help with an assignment or have a question about online learning. And students may also just want to say hi! I know we all miss each other, and I can’t wait to connect with students during office hours.”

You can also use office hours to pinpoint specific students who may need additional support. You can do this by sending a message directly to that child or family and asking if they’ll join you during office hours to work on a specific assignment together.

We’ve found that some students have opted into office hours and just keep the window open but don’t even interact with the teacher at all! It seems that these students just need the comfort of the teacher’s presence. Consider office hours and you may be surprised what you learn from students!

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