As parents and children practice “social distancing” and stay home all day, every day, Momentous Institute wants to equip parents as much as possible so they don’t feel “stuck” at home with their children! Here are some learning strategies to walk through together at home so you don’t just survive with your children, but thrive:

1. Friendly Wishes

What we need now more than ever is to stay connected with each other during stressful days. Print off this activity that will allow you to sit down with your children and write well wishes for themselves, teachers, friends, and neighbors. To take it a step further, write out a letter to a few on the list who you think could use some encouragement!

2. Gratitude Journal

In stressful times, the most powerful activity our families can practice is to express gratitude-to think about, talk about and write about all the things we are thankful for. We encourage you to take time as a family and write out all the ways you are thankful. Write out the phrase: “I am thankful for…” and allow your children to write, draw and even add color to all people, places and things they are grateful for.

3. Freeze Dancing

One of the best ways to mix fun and learning is to get moving. Take a little dance break with kids! Turn on the tunes and get the party started. Then quickly: STOP. Tell everyone to freeze in a funny position. This activity helps them practice tuning in for cues, listening and being in control of their bodies. Plus, it’s silly enough to elicit some good giggling.

Momentous Institute wants to be a resource for all parents so they can feel equipped to dive into “homeschooling” and build strong social emotional health. We are here for you and are excited to hear how this time brings more learning opportunities for the entire family! 

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