We are living in an unprecedented time as the world comes to grip with the reality of Covid-19. In the United States, schools are closing at a rapid pace and parents are in uncharted waters to figure out how to homeschool their children. We’ve got 3 strategies that will help!

1. Put Your Oxygen Mask on First

Listen, we are all stressed and anxious right now. That’s to be expected. But children are like little Ninja Jedis when it comes to picking up on that energy. Now is a time for strength, so do the things that you know make you strong. Maybe it’s limiting news intake or social media to a few times a day, or if you enjoy cooking maybe try a new recipe, go for a family walk, or dance around the house if that brings you joy. As you adapt to a new routine with your children, they will take their cues from you. That leads us to strategy #2.

2. Routine is EVERYTHING

Children thrive on routine and routine is critically important in the midst of uncertainty. Together with your children, write out a daily schedule. A schedule will help your children feel secure because they will know what to expect as they get used to a new normal. Lots of parents have been posting their daily schedules on social media, just type in #homeschooling and you’ll find a plethora of ideas. You know your children better than anyone, so make the schedule something manageable for all involved. Be sure to include a block of time for free play in the morning and afternoon – this will help everyone’s sanity. Which leads us to strategy #3.

Related: What I Hope My Children Learn From These Uncertain Times

3. Give Yourself and Your Children Some Grace

This new way of operating in our world is a transition for everyone. We’re not going to get it all right straight out of the gate. And that’s ok. Remember that everyone is doing the best they can in a completely new set of circumstances and that includes you. If you mess up and yell at your kids, well, news flash - you’re human. What’s important when we mess up, is to go back and repair. You might say something like, “You know what, I’m not happy with how I handled myself when I yelled at you. I was feeling frustrated and I’m sorry for raising my voice. What can I do to make you feel better?” When you model that kind of repair to the relationship, you are teaching your child a skill that will serve them for a lifetime. 

Hang in there, parents and caregivers. We at Momentous are rooting for you and will be publishing more posts over the next few weeks to help you navigate our new normal.

Related: How to Talk to Children About Coronavirus

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